iCreateOFX Investment

Convert Investment / brokerage CSV & QIF files to OFX.

iCreateOFX Investment is an investment CSV to OFX converter for converting your brokerage CSV files to OFX. At launch, iCreateOFX Investment supports Ameritrade, Fidelity, Scottrade and Charles Schwab CSV file conversion to OFX. In addition, the program ships with a Generic CSV script for converting CSV files with a layout described in the user guide. Support for other brokerage houses is only subject to submitting the CSV file header / layout.

iCreateOFX Investment main screen

Supported transactions types.

The program supports all investment / brokerage transactions that are supported by the OFX specification. Investment transaction actions are preceded by the investment type, e.g for a stock buy the action is Stock - Buy and for a mutual fund buy Mutual Fund - Buy. QIF files do not have support for options transactions.

  1. Investment Buys - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  2. Investment Sells - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  3. Investment Positions - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  4. Cash transactions - Deposits, Withdrawals, Journal Cash and Margin Interest.
  5. Journal Securities* - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  6. Capital gains - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  7. Return of Capital - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  8. Re Investment - Dividend, Interest and Miscellaneous for Stocks, Debt and Mutual Funds.
  9. Investment Expense(s) and Income - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and, with the exception of income, Options.
  10. Investment Transfer(s) - for Stocks, Debt(bonds), Mutual Funds and Options.
  11. Investment Split(s) - for Stocks and Mutual Funds only.

Currently supported Investment CSV files.

The table below lists the currently supported files. Use the Generic script if your brokerage is not listed, and be sure to read the the layout expected by the script. To get a script written for your brokerage, send a sample file inclusing as many transaction types as possible to: support[@]icreateofx[.]co[.]uk

Allan Gray
BMO Investorline
BNY Mellon
Charles Schwabb
Daily Access
Dodge And Cox
Fidelity Investments
Fidelity UK
Fidelity US
Foreign and Colonial
Hargreaves And Lansdown
Pension Plan Services
QIF File
Rabobank Direct
Retirement Strategies
Scottrade Advisors
Stock Market Eye
TD Ameritrade
U.S Bank